Career Change group 

Join our career change group. It's run over a conference call and is run by Ron Mitchell, Life Coach in Rochester, New York. People can join the group from anywhere in the USA or in the world. I can give you a conference line code which comes thru your country so it will be a local call for you.

We are going through a popular job search book.

If you are pondering career change then this group is for you.

Call Ron at 585-473-0624 or use the contact form on this site for more information.  

What members want to be accountable for:

 Beth - She plans on doing the job search for 5 hours daily, 5 days a week.

Eric wants to fill out his "petels exercise".


Pearls gained from a session:

Beth - You got to look for jobs in the way that employers are looking for employees. This is a better match.

 - It's important for me to know who is best to work with.  



Go from group page to creative life coaching for balanced life home page article.  

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